Buddhavanam Medical Camp

Buddhavanam – a Buddhist theme park, is a prestigious project on the northern bank of river Krishna in Nagarjunasagar by the Telangana Government. The 2567th Buddha Jayanti celebrations were held at the park, where the officials of the Buddhavanam project invited the Secunderabad branch clinic to represent MenTseeKhang.
Led by Dr. Ngawang Yeshi & Dr. Paldon, with three other staff, they held the medical camp from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm. The team displayed books by and on His Holiness the Dalai Lama, books on Tibetan Medicine and Astro-science, MTK’s Sorig products, and others. Many visitors consulted the two Doctors and sought the prescribed Tibetan Medicines.

Men-Tsee-Khang is thankful to Mr. Laxamaiah Mallepelle, Buddhavanam special officer; Mr. Sudhan Reddy, officer on Special Duty; Mr. Vishnu, all the other Buddhavanam project officials, and the Telangana state government for catering to all our needs during our one-day stay at the Buddhavanam.