3-day program on the Safety & Efficacy of Traditional Tibetan Medicine

Funded by USAID, the Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration organized a 3-day program on the Safety and Efficacy of Traditional Tibetan Medicine in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) from 11 to 13 July 2023 at Conference Hall, Men Tsee Khang, Dharamsala. Doctors from the Research & Development Department of Men Tsee Khang had participated in the program led by Dr. Rekha Pallikkuth, Psychologist, Kerala.

The objective of the program was to train participants on the assessment techniques and tools for identifying and diagnosing GAD among Tibetan Refugees.  Topics covered by Dr. Pallikkuth were Understanding GAD, the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, and WHO Quality of Life BREF. The participants engaged in Interactive sessions, such as case studies, role plays, group discussions, and hands-on activity to enhance their understanding and application of the assessment tools and techniques.

The program concluded with Q&A and Evaluation and feedback sessions.