MTK grieves the demise of Dr. Tenpa Choephel la, former principal of Men-Tsee-Khang College, Dharamsala

Men-Tsee-Khang held a memorial prayer service yesterday afternoon, to mourn the sad demise of Dr. Tenpa Choephel la, former principal of Men-Tsee-Khang College, Dharamsala, after prolong illness.

Dr. Tenpa Choephel la was born on 5th January 1963 in Lhasa, Tibet, where he completed his primary and secondary education. He came to exile in 1980. He studied Tibetan medicine from 1982-1986 in the 5th batch of Men-Tsee-Khang College. He served in the Nepal branch clinic of Men-Tsee-Khang for a short period of time. Thereafter, on 1st March 1988, he was appointed as the lecturer of Men-Tsee-Khang College, Dharamsala, and had been serving the same till 2023.

Due to health reasons, he sought early retirement from his post and was officially granted retirement on 13th June 2023. Lately, his health suffers rigorously, owing to which he was admitted in Delek hospital and was later referred to ILBS in Delhi for further treatment. As he fail to respond to the treatments in Delhi, was brought back to Delek Hospital where he breathe his last at 10:50 am on 23rd December, 2023.
The deceased had served Men-Tsee-Khang for 35 long years, contributing extensively to the preservation and promotion of the legacy of the Sowa-Rigpa system of medicine.

The prayer service was attended by the Executive director, Deputy Director, General Secretary, heads of departments, staff, and students of Men-Tsee-Khang. Mr. Thupten Tsering, the executive director of Men-Tsee-Khang briefed a biography of the deceased, expressing his condolences on behalf of the students and staff of Men-Tsee-Khang.
May the departed soul find solace and reborn soon.