
The staff, students and wagers of Men-Tsee-Khang are saddened with the demise of Dr. Pasang Tsering after a prolonged illness, on Thursday, 23 rd March , 2023. His funeral service will be held at 6:15 AM on Monday, 27 th March , 2023.

A prayer service was held on the day by all the staff and wagers, in which all the HOD of branch clinis and units of Men-Tsee-Khang, who came for the Annual General Body Meeting also joined.
Late Dr. Pasang Tsering, born on 13 th Sept 1973, started his service at Men-Tsee-Khang from 15 th Jan, 1999 and had taken the responsibility of clinical doctors at our branch clinics in Bhandara, Orissa and Dekyiling Settlements. Men-Tsee-Khang extends heartfelt condolence to his family and pray of his quickest rebirth in the higher realms.