Seven Medical Students Completed The Full Recitation Of The RGyud-GSum

Seven students from the 21st batch of medical students at Men-Tsee-Khang College, Dharamsala successfully recited rGyud-gSum (The Three Tantras) from 22 November to 25 November 2022. There were composed of six Tibetans and one Russian girl named Maria Chumitova, who was the second non-Tibetan to have ever recited the complete rGyud-gSum, also known as ‘The Three Tantras of The Fundamental Medical Treatise rGyud-bZhi, or the Four Tantra. The tree Tantras are the Root Tantra that comprises six chapters. The Explanatory Tantra contained 31 chapters, while The Subsequent Tantra contained 27 chapters. For the complete recitation, each of the students took an average of three hours, which is a phenomenal performance considering the estimated time. Moreover, eight Astro-Science students presented their own Tibetan Almanacs covered in silk that corresponded to their elemental years. As a gesture of appreciation, the college faculty and students presented them with a Tibetan auspicious white scarf and gifts.