USAID Mission Director Steve Olive, accompanied by Mark Tegenfeldt, Office Director of the General Development Office (GDO); Balaka Dey, Development Assistance Specialist, GDO; Martha Van Lieshout, Team Lead of the USAID/India DOC Team, and three other delegates, visited Men-Tsee-Khang on 26 November 2024.

Men-Tsee-Khang Director Thupten Tsering warmly welcomed the delegation and provided a guided tour of the Institute, including the Men-Tsee-Khang Sowa-Rigpa College, Clinic, Astro-science Department, Pharmacy Department, and Museum.

USAID, through the Tibet Fund, has supported numerous projects and programs of the Institute, consisting the cultivation of high-altitude medicinal plants in Chauntra and Agling, the procurement of various pill-production related machines for the Pharmacy Department, funding for the yearly internship expenses of medical students at the Men-Tsee-Khang Sowa-Rigpa College over the past year, and clinical research on generalized anxiety disorder.
Men-Tsee-Khang extends its heartfelt gratitude to the United States and its people for their steadfast support in preserving the rich culture and traditional knowledge of Tibet.