Workshop-cum-Training on Cultivation Techniques, Post-Harvesting & Procurement of Medicinal Plants

Chauntra: Department of High altitude medicinal Plants (HAMP), Men Tsee Khang, in consultation with the Agriculture Division, Department of Home, CTA, organized a 3-day Workshop cum Training on Techniques of Cultivation, Post-harvesting, and Procurement of Medicinal Plants used in traditional Tibetan medicine from 21st to 23rd June 2023 at Men Tsee Khang, Chauntra unit. Twenty-one participants of interested cultivators from Ladakh and Southern India with agricultural extension officers (AEO) from varied agro-climatic zones and staff from ORTC (Organic Research and Training Center), Bylakuppe, had joined the workshop.

Chief guests, Mr. Dhoundup Palden, Secretary, Department of Home, Central Tibetan Administration; Mr. Thupten Tsering, Executive Director, Men Tsee Khang, Dharamsala; Mr. Tsering Dorjee, Head of Agricultural Section, Department of Home, CTA and other guests of honor graced the inaugural ceremony of the workshop. The head of the HAMP Department, Mr. Tenzin Datse, gave a speech outlining the aim and objectives of the workshop cum training, followed by Mr. Thupten Tsering, the executive director of Men Tsee Khang. The chief guest addressed the importance of the promotion and propagation of the cultivation of medicinal plants and procurement from a Tibetan settlement by Men Tsee Khang based on quality and market value. It will ultimately help in sustainable development and the socio-economic well-being of the community.

The prime objective of the 3-day workshop cum training is to create awareness of medicinal plants cultivation techniques, post-harvesting, and procurement of medicinal plants used in traditional Tibetan medicines through onsite practical training for the cultivators. 

Based on the quality of the harvested raw materials, the production department of Men Tsee Khang will purchase them at market value, which will be directly beneficial and sustainable for local cultivators residing in the Tibetan settlement for the long term.

Experts in modern science in medicinal plant cultivation and traditional perspectives of Materia & Medica of Tibetan medicine covered 12 major medicinal plants of varied agro-climatic zones.

The experts illuminated topics including a geographical location of medicinal plants, the quantity of a specific plant needed by Men Tsee Khang, and knowledge of the medicinal plant’s market value which were beneficial to cultivators with perspectives from traditional Tibetan medicine formulation, quality control of raw materials, and individual experiences in promoting the cultivation of medicinal plants. This workshop cum training is funded by USAID through the Tibet Fund under the TSRR program for the projects under HAMP department of Men Tsee Khang from 2022 to 2023.